
American Champion

Paragon's Stateley Affair



Owner:  Riley DeVos and Mary Fedders
Handler: Riley DeVos

BISS Am/Can Ch. McCairn's Sir Sam Steele CGC, ROME


Am Ch. Paragon's Paper Trail ROM

Zach has hit the ring by storm.  He finished with three major wins at just over 1 year old.  He recently won the breed on a specialty weekend, defeating two top ten Cairns to do so.


Zach is a promising young dog.  He has a strong topline, with a good tail set and carriage.  He moves well coming and going and has exceptional side movement.  Zach is an excellent show dog, with a presence you can't deny.


Zach and Riley have torn up the circut in 2006 with multiple group wins and placements!  Riley continues to exceed in the Junior Ring. She is currently ranked the #1 Cairn Junior, #3 Terrier Junior!


















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