My One in a Million Dog

and the dog that started it all for us in Cairns...

Best in Specialty Show

Multiple Group Winning

American, Canadian Champion

Cairn Terrier Club of America Versatility Dog

McCairn's Sir Sam Steele




Owner:  Kari Loken, Glenn Sergius and Frank Mesich 
Breeder: Glenn Serigus and Frank Mesich of McCairn
Handler: Kari Loken of Harmony Cairns

Multi-BIS Ch. Barberi Hedge Johnny Rebel


BIS Am/Can Ch. Meadowwyn's One Trick Pony

Sam is a Best in Specialty winner as well as a multiple group winning and placing Cairn.  He won and placed in the group as a class dog, only losing the breed twice from the classes.  Sam finished #4 Cairn (all-breed cc system) in 2000.  He did so while being shown on a limited basis and while spending the first 4 months of the year as a class dog.  Sam finished #7 Cairn (all-breed-breed cc system) in 2001, and didn't get out much since I was busy with our new son, Ryan.  He finished #6 in 2002 and #4 in 2003.  Sam is being shown only at specialties.  He  came out for the Roving National in the Spring of 2004, and won an Award of Merit, along with his daughter (Ch. Paragon's Perfect Harmony) and his half sister (McCairn's Alix Westhead). 

Sam has proven to be an excellent and consistent producer.  He has sired a Canadian Best in Show winner and Reserve Best in Show winner, multiple Best Puppy in Show winners, multiple Group winners in the states and Canada along with several specialty winners.  Pleas scroll to the bottom to see his progeny's accomplishments.

Sam has started a new career as a Veteran. He started it with a bang, winning the Veteran Dog Class his first time out, on the Montgomery Weekend!  He followed that up with a Veteran Terrier Group One at the Southern Colorado KC in November of 2004.  He garnered Best Opposite Sex AND an Award of Merit win at the Summer Su-Mac Cairn Terrier Specialty under breeder-judge, Dr. Andrew Kramer.  Sam also was an Award of Merit winner at the CTCA Roving in California. We took a trip to the Cairn Terrier Club of Canada where he was also Awarded and Award of Merit in October of 2005.  He has gone on to earn two more Award of Merits in 2006 at the Greater Twin Cities Sumac Cairn Terrier Club and the Trinity Valley Cairn Terrier Club.

Sam earned his Novice Agility Jumpers title in 3 trials with two first places and a 2nd place at 10 years old!  He also finished his Rally Novice Title in 3 trials, with scores of 80, 88 and 95!

Sam is the son of BIS Am/Can Ch. Meadowwyn's One Trick Pony "Heidi".  Heidi is a one in a million dog.  She was a true showdog and with lots of sparkle.  Heidi has beautiful movement and awesome type.  There was never a time that she didn't respond when I asked her for 150%.  I was so lucky to be her partner during her show career....and what a career it was!  

Samsire is BIS Am/Can Ch. Barberi Hedge Johnny Rebel.  Johnny has a beautiful Cairn head and true terrier zest!  There are only 7 other Cairn terriers living that both Sire and Dam are BEST IN SHOW winners. Sam being the first one, his litter sister being the second and his litter of 6 half sisters.

    Special Thanks to Glenn Sergius and Frank Mesich of McCairn for letting Sam into our lives!  


                AOM Cairn Terrier Club of Canada at 8 years old.                                      Group One at 3 years old

                One of Sam's 10 Group One Photos at 4 years old.              1st Place Veteran CTCA National at 7 years old.

         Best Veteran in Sweeps  Denver Specialty at 9 years old.   Best Veteran in Sweeps Denver Specialty at nearly 11 years old.



Sam's Off-Spring

Sam with one of his boys, Paragon's Get the Led Out ("Zep") & a daughter Paragon's Promises Promises (Promise)


Sam's Champions



Am. Ch. Cherbo Triple Crown- "Carter


MBISS Am Ch. Cherbo Harwood Steele at Harmony- "Woody"


Am/Can Ch. Clanmarr's Seamus MacDubh - "Jamie"


Am. Ch. Clanmarr's Steele Princess - "Hattie"


Am Ch. Clanmarr's Piece of McCairn RN - "Puzzle"


Can RBIS & BPIS Am/Can Ch. Paragon's Get the Led Out - "Zep"


Am/Can Ch. Paragon's Unexpected Harmony - "Thomas"


Am Ch. Paragon's Sweet William RA - "Braveheart"


Am Ch. Fillkatom's No Regretts - "Gretta"


Am Ch. Barberi Hedge Mandalay McCairn - "Mandy"


Am Ch. Fillkatom's Amazing Grace - "Gracie"


Am Ch. Paragon'S - "El-C"


Am Ch. Paragon's Artistry Reflected - "Echo"


Am/Can Ch. Paragon's Stately Affair CGC- "Zach"


Am Ch./MACH2 Paragon's Harmony of Steele RN, OF CGC- "Seeker"


Am/Can Ch. Paragon's Miss Liberty - "Libby"


Am Ch. Paragon's Definition - "Webster"


BISS, BPIS Am Ch. Paragon's Perfect Harmony - "Kara"


Am Ch. Bizzy B's Steel Magnolia - "Maggie"



Can. Ch. McCairn's Indian Summer - "Indie"


Can Ch. Clanmarr's Iowa Steele - "Danny"


Can Ch. Clanmarr's Seamus MacDubh - "Jamie"


BISS, BPIS Am/Can Ch. Paragon's Perfect Harmony - "Kara"


Am/Can Ch. Paragon's Unexpected Harmony - "Thomas"


Can BPIS, Can Ch. Paragon's Get the Led Out - "Zep"


Can Ch. Simon McCairn CDX - "Simon"


Can/Am Ch. Paragon's Miss Liberty - "Libby"


Can Ch. Snowed On's Steele Rhythm and Blues "Blue"


Can Ch. My Elizabeth McCairn "Elizabeth"


Can Ch. My Saucy Samantha McCairn


Can Ch. Tamacious Morning Mist


Can Ch. McGuiness' Cheeky Samantha


Can Ch. McGuiness' Cinnamon Tic Tac



Am. Ch. Clanmarr's Steele Princess, RN - "Hattie"


Am. Ch. Clanmarr's Piece of McCairn, RN - "Puzzle"


Am. Ch. Paragon's Stately Affair, RN, CD, CGC "Zach"


Am Ch. Paragon's Stately Affair RN, CGC - "Zach"


Am Ch./MACH2 Paragon's Harmony of Steele RN, OF CGC - "Seeker"


Am Ch. Paragon's Sweet William RE CGC - "Braveheart"


Am Ch. MACH Paragon's Harmony of Steele RN, OF, CGC - "Seeker"


Am Ch. Paragon's Harmony of Steele RN, MX, MXJ, OF, CGC - "Seeker"


Am Ch. Paragon's Harmony of Steele RN, MX, MXJ, NF, CGC - "Seeker"


Am Ch. Paragon's Sweet William RA CGC - "Braveheart"


Am Ch. Paragon's Harmony of Steele RN, MX, MXJ CGC - "Seeker"


Am Ch. Paragon's Harmony of Steele MX, MXJ CGC - "Seeker"


Am Ch. Paragon's Harmony of Steele AX, AXJ CGC - "Seeker"


Am Ch. Paragon's Harmony of Steele OA, OAJ CGC - "Seeker"


Am Ch. Paragon's Harmony of Steele NA, NAJ CGC - "Seeker"


Am Ch. Paragon's Sweet William RN - "Braveheart"


Am Ch. Paragon's Harmony of Steele CGC - "Seeker"


 Am Ch. Paragon's Stately Affair CGC - "Zach"



Can Ch. McCairn's Indian Summer CDX - "Indie"


Can Ch. Can OTCH Simon McCairn - "Simon"


Can Ch. Simon McCairn CDX - "Simon"


Can Ch. Simon McCairn CD - "Simon"


Sam is delighting us with the quality puppies he is producing,

see below for photos and his puppies' accomplishments!

Am Ch. Cherbo Triple Crown - "Carter"

Bred and Owned: Cheri Eagleson of Grand Blanc, MI


~ Finished with Three Majors

~ Sam's 19th Champion

Can BPIS Am/Can Ch. Paragon's Get the Led Out - "Zep"

Owned and Handled by: Kyle Sabourin of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


~Finished his Canadian Championship with a Terrier Group III, Terrier Puppy Group I and Best Puppy in Show win! 

~ Won a 4 pt Major on a Specialty Weekend from the 6-9 Puppy Class! (1 day over 6 months old)

~Finished in the States with a Specialty Best of Winners win, and 4 major wins (Three 4 pt, One 5pt).

~ Canadian Reserve BIS and Group Winner!

~ #1 Cairn in Canada 2008

Am/Can Ch. Clanmarr's Seamus MacDubh - "Jamie"

Owned By: Eileen O'Neill of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Bred by: Penny Greenslade of Clanmarr Cairn Terriers

Handled By: Cindy


~ Finished at just 8 months old

~WD, BOW, BOBP Canadian Cairn Terrier National Specialty

~Best in Show Winner

~ #2 Cairn 2008 and 2009

Ch./ MACH2 Paragon's Harmony of Steele RN, OF, CGC- "Seeker"

Owned and Handled by: Kari Loken of Harmony Cairns


~Won two 4 point majors his very first weekend out.

~Went Winners Dog and Best of Winners at the GTWCTC

~Finished by defeating a top ranked special at just 11months old!

~#4 Cairn Invitational Period 2006-2007

~ #3 Cairn Inviational 2007-2010

~ 1st Cairn to be a conformation and agility champion!

Ch. Clanmarr's Steele Princess- "Hattie"

Owned and Handled by: Val Perry and Pat Gentry

Bred by: Penny Greenslade of Clanmarr Cairn Terriers


~ Finished in limited shows

~Winner of two 5 point majors!

Can Ch. Simon McCairn CDX- "Simon"

Owned by: Barbara Baker of British Columbia, Canada

Bred by: Glenn Sergius, Frank Mesich and Kari Loken of McCairn and Harmony Cairn Terriers


~ The first Sam kid to be titled on both ends!

~ Earned his CD at less than 1 year old and his CDX at less than 2 years old!

Ch. Paragon's Sweet William RE - "Braveheart"

Owned and Handled by: Carol Maschke of Minnesota


~First Sam kid to earn an American Obedience Title!

~Winners Dog at the Summer Su-Mac Cairn Terrier Club Specialty!

~Obtained his Rally Excellent title.

~Currently working on his CD.

Ch. Clanmarr's Piece of McCairn, RN- "Puzzle"

Owned and Handled by: Kari Loken, Frank Mesich and Glenn Sergius

Bred by: Penny Greenslade of Clanmarr Cairn Terriers


~ Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best Opposite at the Cairn Terrier Club of Canada's National Specialty at JUST over one year of age.

~ Back to Back Goblet wins on the Texas Specialty Weekend!

~ Award of Merit winner CTCA Roving 2010

BISS, BPIS Am/Can Ch. Paragon's Perfect Harmony - "Kara"

Bred and Owned by: Mary Fedders of Paragon Cairn Terriers

Handled by: Kari Loken of Harmony Cairn Terriers


~Best of Breed over 3 specials her first show on her six month birthday!

~Best Puppy in Show (over 300 puppies) at the Nebraska Kennel Club show!

~ Best in Sweeps GTSCTC winter 2004

~ BOS at the Trinity Valley Cairn Terrier Club Specialty

~AOM Winner at the Roving National 

~Best in Specialty Winner at the DCTC!

~#2 Bitch All-Breed Points and #2 Bitch Breed Points 2004  

Ch. Paragon's Stately Affair CGC- "Zach"

Owned and Handled by: Riley DeVos


~Group IV from the classes

~Finished at just over 12 months

~Finished with Three Majors

~Multiple Group Placements

~Riley's partner in the Juniors ring and has helped her qualify for the National Juniors Invitational!

~# 3 All-Breed Cairn Terrier, 2006

~#4 Cairn Breed Points, 2006

Can Ch. Clanmarr's Iowa Steele - "Danny"

Owned By & Handled By: Dana Dempsey of British Columbia, Canada

Bred by: Penny Greenslade of Clanmarr Cairn Terriers


~ Finished in very limited shows!


Am/Can Ch. Paragon's Miss Liberty - "Libby"

Bred, Owned and Handled by: Mary Fedders of Paragon Cairn Terriers

~ Winner of the Terrier Bred-By-Exhibitor group at the Council Bluffs Kennel Club show!

~ Finished her Championship by winning a 5 point major, going Best of Breed over 2 specials!

~ Finished in Canada in just three weekends with multiple group placements!

Ch. Paragon's Definition - "Webster"

Bred, Owned and Handled by: Mary Fedders of Paragon Cairn Terriers


~ Best in Sweeps GTSCTC summer 2004

~5 point major

~4 point major

~ Finished with 3 Majors!


Ch. Paragon's Artistry Reflected - "Echo"

Owned by: Shelley and Jeff Wojtkiewicz of Long Island, New York

Co-Owned and Bred by: Mary Fedders of Paragon Cairn Terriers


~ Finished with 3 Majors

Ch. Paragon'S - "El-C"

Owned by: Tom and Kathi Fillmore of Oklahoma City, OK


Ch. Fillkatoms Amazing Grace - "Graci"

Owned and Handled by: Tom and Kathi FIllmore of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Bred by: Tom and Kathi Fillmore of Fillkatom Cairn Terriers


~ Won two majors her first weekend out!

Ch. Fillkatoms No Regretts - "Gretta"

Owned and Handled by: Tom and Kathi FIllmore of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Bred by: Tom and Kathi Fillmore of Fillkatom Cairn Terriers


~ Finished in just a handful of shows competed in!

Can Ch. My Saucy Samantha McCairn- "Samantha"

Owned by: Sandra Millen of Vancouver, BC Canada


Can Ch. My Elizabeth McCairn- "Elizabeth"

Owned by: Glenn Sergius and Frank Mesich of Burnaby, BC Canada



Summary of Sam's Wins

10 - Group Ones

14 - Group Twos

11 - Group Threes

10 - Group Fours

65 - Best of Breeds

1 - Best in Specialty Show

2 - Specialty Best Opposite Sex

8 - Specialty Award of Merits


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